Holter Monitor
In this test, the Electrocardiogram (ECG) is continuously monitored for 24 to 48 hours. The signals are recorded on a special recorder which you will wear. This prolonged monitoring records transient rhythm or ECG abnormalities. This test is especially useful if you are experiencing palpitations, dizziness or fainting spells. It can also help in assessing response to medications.
For this test, surface electrodes will be placed on the upper chest. The electrodes will be connected to a recorder, the size of a small cassette player, which will be strapped around the waist. The monitor is worn continuously for 24 to 48 hours as requested by your physician.
You will be asked to keep a diary to record all activities and any symptoms with the exact time of their occurrence.
Preparations for the test
There is no need for fasting or any other special preparation.
Take all your prescribed medications as usual and record them in the diary provided.
Wear loose fitting clothing when coming to the clinic.