Exercise Stress echocardiogram
Exercise Stress Echocardiogram
This test combines cardiac imaging (Echocardiography) with treadmill exercise        electrocardiography (Exercise Stress Test), to enhance accuracy of stress testing.
Prior to exercise, an echocardiogram is performed, to assess heart function. Emphasis is placed on visualizing how well the heart’s walls are contracting at rest. We are also able to rule out significant structural heart disease and assess valve function. You will then exercise until you achieve your target heart rate or you request to stop. At times, the supervising cardiologist may ask for the test to be stopped early if an important abnormality is seen. When exercise is complete, you will be assisted back to the bed, and the echocardiogram is repeated while your heart is still beating rapidly.
A cardiologist will review all of the information from this test to determine if there is evidence for a blocked or narrowed coronary artery.
This test does not require the injection of a radioactive tracer or an intravenous needle and can be completed within 1.5 hours.
Preparations for the test
You may be asked to stop certain medications one day before the test. Please confirm this with your doctor.
On the day of the test, do not eat or drink anything for at least two hours before the test.
Please bring comfortable shoes and wear loose fitting clothes.